Sunday 15 September 2013

In hell, walking through hell.....tormented and alone?


Dear friend....I understand your despair....but there is hope....

 Christ Jesus,
a man of sorrows,
who also knew grief and suffering,
who knew pain and fear,
who knew exhaustion and anxiety,
who knew what it was to be hated and despised,
who knew torture and humiliation's,
who was wronged,
who was imprisoned,
who was set up by haters,
who was falsely accused,
who was hungry,
who was thirsty,
who was homeless,
who was afraid.....
Christ Jesus knows your despair!

Dear God, I need You. I know that I have sinned against You by directing my own life. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins through Christ's death on the cross for me. I invite Christ to again take His place on the throne of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit as You commanded me to be filled, and as You promised in Your word that You would do if I asked in faith. I pray this in the name of Jesus. As an expression of my faith, I thank You for directing my life and for filling me with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
These words are written for His children....


Friend, surrender all.
You simply can not find any other answers to this life without knowing that Jesus Christ is the WAY TO LIFE.
The only way.


Thursday 12 September 2013

alone in your despairs......

having to hide your fears from all......

stranger...unknown....homeless...broken person no one knows or loves;
hungry, cold and alone in your life....

professional woman....stressed..must be a race...must perform at all times........lost your way.....

care worker........drug user.....alcoholic....drunk.....single.....burnt young...depressed......


 super mum.....single mother....

the absolute horror of all your failures..
all your anxieties..
all your fears...
come upon you and you are overwhelmed with despair....
you are terrified of tomorow.....
what do you do..
where will you go....
who will love you now.....
how did life turn out so frightening....
where is the child that knew no harm........
where is the sun......
where is the joy of life.....
where is your comforter.........
where is love?
who will hear me scream in despair when i am alone .....
who will rescue me ...
i am not handsome....
i am not beautiful...
i am a failure...
i am putrid...
i am dirty..
i am nothing........

daughter- bride..
son- husband.....
a man of sorrows has been rejected and despised
 humilliated,spat on and tortured
nailed to a cross....
pierced in his side...
and left to hang till death......
for you....
he was innocent of crime and sinless....
and yet;
he died for you...
this man who knew sorrows and tears
 was homeless and hated...
had no place to call home
nor lay his head...
let it all out...
let it all go....
 let it all be.....
and lay it all down at the cross of jesus christ.....


Friday 30 August 2013

you are carrying a load you were never designed to carry......

how do you get ''set free''......................
how do you ''let go''.................
where can you ''lay down your burdens''..............
how can you give up all the soul destroying self talk.....
feeling trapped inside a praison you designed...........
could anyone posibly undersatnd  how you mourn over your own failures..........

is your inner life just falling this prison you made for yourself, taking all Joy from life.......

there is a way to be free................

Wednesday 28 August 2013

are you addicted to your garbage?

Are you living with burdens, like a seriously bad movie playing out in your head...over and over....reliving every failure,every loss,every disappointment? 

Ever thought that you could never be free from this appalling mental rut you are in?
Ever felt as though you were chained to your past like some bad joke played upon you by some mysterious force?

Well; that is what  an ''addiction'' is friend....

You may well be addicted to your garbage thinking patterns.....

Like any other addiction,
  • it enslaves you-
  • torments you-
  • disempowers you-
  • takes the joy from you-
  • makes you ill-
  • makes you unfit-
  • makes you unhappy-                               

  • makes you waste energy-
  • robs you of energy-
  • robs you of potential realised-
  • robs you of growth-
  • robs you of  enjoying great love-
  • takes you from enjoying the present love-
  • enslaves you to introspection-
  • enslaves you to worry-
  • enslaves you to denial-                                       

  • enslaves you to fear-
  • enslaves you to anxiety-
  • enslaves you to despair-
  • enslaves you to self loathing-
  • enslaves you to self sabotaging any success-
  • takes the easy way out-
  • runs from challenges that otherwise would make you stronger-
  • runs from social events for fear of man-
  • will make you self focused when you could be helping others grow-


Friend, the list is endless........addictions of any type are mentally, emotionally, physiologically and psychologically disabling.........

But you do not have to accept this as can heal......

The starting point is realising that without Christ; you will be lost forever...
Jesus is the only answer....always, to every single problem you have.
You simply can not find the answer from is the one that ruined went looking for success and life amongst the dead.....
If you want real life.......
Cry out to it now.
He is waiting....
He will carry all those burdens and were never designed to carry all this fear and self must give them up; or they will literally drive you insane .....
to let go; you must be broken of spirit .....
and convicted of your utter uselessness to live without Him...
You must be saved by being convicted of your sin....
the sins that have ruined your mind and body...
the sins that you try to hide from your psyche,
the sins you have allowed to take away your health,
the sins that have eaten away at your spirit...
Be in utter horror of them....for they have ruined you....
and then my friend......
the Healer can come....
the Healer will come...
the Healer will save you....
His name is Jesus....cry out to Him
Do it now!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Renew your mind.....upon Christ alone.

leave it all at the cross ........
jesus can carry you can be;

let jesus carry your burdens......

it's actually a command....which means He can do it, you can' let go dummy.....

and all that inner self talk.......that robs you of joy.....why not carry around a small prayer book?......every time you hear the voice of condemnation, pray and give thanks........renewing your mind is also a command....'s all lies, you were trained to believe in a false identity my friend.....YOU ARE SAVED.
renew your mind.........robust mental health is scripture based and Holy Spirit; pray without ceasing, ask Him to give you more faith!...He will do it!

and if your fears's God asking for attention, let Him hear your cries!!!

 and trust His all Powerful Spirit....who has also commanded you to not's not a's an order.
But let Him give it ( FAITH) to you..... not give up.....He didn't give up on you.....
let Him comfort you with His love......

He will save you.....

Wednesday 21 August 2013


In happiness: offer radiant praise to the Merciful Lord
In distress: remember His faithfulness and seek His Guidance
In struggle: invoke His holy name fervently
At hard work: plea unto Him to sanctify us through it

In the moment of falling: ask His mercy and strength
In the company of joyous people: be joyful and sing the sweetest praise
In the company of difficult person: be silent and pray for him or her
At the shadow of sadness: seek His words and be comforted

In the moment of forgetfulness: knock with shameless persistence to implore His help
In the cruel weather: see His mighty clouds and be silent
In the charge of tending His children: trust His holy Name to lead and to transform
At the hour of temptation: flee unto Him and abide in His holy presence

In all occasion, stay in His presence and enjoy His countenance which is beyond description! O so sweet is the fragrance of the Lord's hands!


Saturday 17 August 2013

Delight yourself in the Lord Jesus...even from the deepest, darkest place of your life; you can be Loved.

is this your life .........


is this you?..........
is this you?..........
is this you?...........
would you rather this.....


and this..........

Delight in the Lord Jesus.
Return to Him.

He will love you with an everlasting love.

"if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"...1John9

'' he has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love; in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins" ...Colossians1:13-14

Friend....move forward in Christ!

" come to Me all you who labour and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest....take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,and you will find rest for your souls.....for My yoke is easy and My burden is light''......Matthew11:28-30
Friend, I do not know you...but send a prayer request and I will pray for you. Peace be with You.